1450 Flower St., Glendale, CA 91201

Little Ground Café (https://www.littlegroundcafe.com) with walk-up counter service and outdoor dining is a study in texture, transparency and materiality that aims to inspire and enhance the area’s rare pedestrian culture. The main focus of the design is to create a calm, inviting public space that directly engages its frenetic urban setting. This restaurant is a local favorite in the Glendale Grand Central Creative Campus district and is a proud successor to the historic Jimmy’s Super Lunch. Thanks to architecture firm WORD (https://www.warrenoffice.com), the project won the following awards:

AIA California Design Award of Merit 2016
AIA LA Restaurant Design Award 2017
AIA LA Restaurant Peoples Choice 2017
Interior Design Magazine Best of Year Finalist 2017
AIA SFV Design Award of Merit 2019
AIA SFV Peoples Choice Project 2019

Building Square Footage: 1,000 // Units: 1 // Unit Square Footage: 1,000